Friday, August 31, 2012
Reading "the perks of being a wallflower"
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Being Bellatrix
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Faking a Bad Break Up
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Rearranging My Dorm Room
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Road tripping with the sister
I let Molly be the dj for the rise to school cause she usually has a great taste for music. Also, we ended up singing a kids bop version of "you belong with me" by Taylor Swift. I laughed so hard I cried. We played a bunch of stuff from early high school, which reminded me of my fist car. 1994 Chevy cavalier. It was a bit of a junker, didn't last a year. I'm so glad I got such a nice upgrade. It was a great ride.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Packing for School
I'm finally packing for school (I leave tomorrow morning.) But I don't think Guedo wants me to go. He keeps insisting on laying inside my suitcases. It is pretty cute, but I procrastinate enough without the dogs help!
Friday, August 24, 2012
I'll have no worse a name than Jove's own page;I finally decided on a name for my bug. Ganymede. I think it suits him. Especially because of my deep personal connection with Rosalind. I thought upon Adam for a while, but I'm more a fan of Shakespearean connections and I feared people might think of it in the biblical sense. (Adam in As You Like It is the trusty old man servant of Orlando, and is considered one of the most 'English' characters Shakespeare has written). Ganymede is finally in great working condition. Got a new hubcap last night and the dealer fixed a few last minute things today. I just need to buy floor mats, maps and jumper cables and I'll be all set to head back up to school. After I get done packing everything up again. Oops.
And therefore look you call me Ganymede.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Eating a cupcake
Red velvet. My favorite, with cream cheese frosting. They had all kinds of fancy filled cupcakes but I can't resist red velvet. It was so fun to wander around downtown. I got to see all the Iowa students going to class knowing I have two week before I have to worry about lectures and homework and papers. But, simultaneously I'm excited to see all my classmates again.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Windows down, radio blasting
Finally got a good handle on the stick. Cruzing back home from pie with a friend. My favorite song on a long stretch flying fast. I don't know the last time I felt that free. It was exhilarating. The chat with Jacob definitely didn't hurt. I miss that kid. It's too bad I don't get to see him during school. His gay man sass is so refreshing and straight forward. I know he will tell me exactly what he thinks. No filters, no regrets.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Driving stick...up hills
It was really nerve racking at first, but I think I got ahold of it. I can now stop on a hill and continue in the same direction. Too bad I stalled once trying to shift into 2nd. It's ok. I know how to handle things now. I'm going to have to. Trial by fire.
I also made dinner again. Fish tacos, from scratch. Tortillas and all. I tried to do too many things at the same time, so mom, dad, and Molly all helped me finish so we could eat. It was actually great to have everyone working together on it. Plus they ended up tasting great. I think tilapia tack Tuesday was a success.
Applying for a Credit Card
The banker was cute. Too bad I didn't check his left hand. Just helps me believe that there are cute guys left in this world. He seemed really nice too. I think I've been fishing in ponds with very few fish in them. I can't wait until I get out to the ocean and catch some quality tilapia. Like the kind I'm making for dinner. It's tilapia taco Tuesday. Of course I'm making fish tacos, what else would I do with myself this week other than making all the recipes I've been pinning for the past year and a half.