Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I got into all of the classes I was hoping for this term! Woo! WWII codebreaking is gonna be so tight (once we actually start messing with ciphers).  Theatre history is as cool as ever.  I just read a play called "The Ladies' Battle." its definined by "Characteristics of a Well Made Play" that were used during the early 1900s.  It's basically a completely linear plot line based show.  The characters don't have much depth to them, but the plot's great and its always a comedy, so I enjoyed it.  The best line was "Nonsense! You are for a drama- a tragedy: we offer you something more cheerful- a domestic comedy!" I totally giggled.  I also laughed so hard at Drowsy Chaperone rehearsal today.  I'm an ASM (assistant stage manager).  That show is ridiculously offensive and hilarious at the same time.  I'm really looking forward to it.  Also I have Brain and Behavior this terms.  I call it Brains cause it sounds like a zombie class.  So now instead of saying "I have to go to my readings for brain and behavior" I can just say "I'm gonna eat some brains."  Sounds much better.

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