Monday, April 15, 2013

Catching Up

Grey Gardens closed yesterday after a completely sold out 3 show run.  It was intense.  I think I like calling shows more than any other part of SMing.  I feel so in control of the show I know exactly what is supposed to be happening in every aspect of the production, and while it's frightening as hell, it's also really cool.  I only had to trouble shoot a few things (one of the doors got accidentally locked, and some curtains got shifted too far.  Thank god for onstage butlers/servants/neat freaks.  You can get them to fix just about anything onstage if you need them to).  But now I'm coming down from my show high, and it's no good.  Mostly because I'm actually being forced to face all of the homework I haven't been doing for the past two weeks.  But it shouldn't be too bad.  I already got half caught up with British Writers, and I never got behind on Acting.  It's going to be Improv that's going to cause me problems.  That and the fact that I have a Writers paper due on Friday and I have no fucking clue what I'm going to write about.   That class makes me feel stupid sometimes, because I don't have the close reading skills that everyone else has (because they are all humanities buffs).  I'm definitely improving, but it takes me longer to pull things out of the writing.  I'll get there though, and I'm sure it will be a good thing to know how to do for, you know, life and stuff.

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