Sunday, September 30, 2012

Halloween Oreos

So, I'm gonna pretend I didn't eat half a thing of Oreos.  But it's only because they're only around once a year.  And I didn't feel like doing homework.  So I successfully sat on Liz's futon and drank two glasses of wine, ate more Oreos and watched half a season of How I Met Your Mother.  Again, cause I've totally watched the whole series.  Now I'm just sitting in bed debating how much of a bad idea that was.  Cause I'm totally behind on homework, due to the whole zombie test.  I'm still not sure how it went, but I'm glad its done.  Cause now I can get back to the rest of my homework.  Quiz on Tuesday, two journals due and a chapter and a half of theatre history that I've been avoiding.  And successfully averted again.  We'll see how long it takes for me to finish that homework.  $10 says I finish the Oreos first.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Moving Too Fast

You know when you're trying to do too many things when you accidentally hit a french professor with your bike. Alright, I didn't hit him, more nudged him with the wheel.  He didn't fall over or anything.  And I didn't even spill the latte I was holding while riding my bike through a large clump of people.  I just had to put my foot down onto the ground.  And stutter a little and spill some pumpkin spice latte on my pants.  At least it smelled good, so that's a good thing.....right?

(I've decided to take this incident as a learning experience.  I've decided to slow down a little.  Walk to some more places.  My bike is really sweet and super convenient sometimes, but the leaves are pretty around campus now and it's not entirely too cold out.  Plus I don't want to spill any more lattes or hit any professors that I actually know.  And I know I'm trying to do too many things at once, so I'm going to audition for a Trivia Master spot tonight anyway.  It sounds like a good idea to me.  At least at the present time.)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Into The Woods

Last weekend in Bjorklunden was surreal.  For those of you who don't know what Bjorklunden's a giant chunk of land Lawrence owns in Door County, WI on Lake Michigan.  It is magnificent.  The lodge is really cozy, but the shore and forest right around it is absolutely wonderful.  The first night I went outside and waded into the 40 degree water only to fall into it!  Alas, that stopped my frolicking short, (even though I didn't get completely submerged, it was cold!) and the next day I ventured out again. (this time during the daylight so I could explore the forest).  It was wonderful.  I decided not to do homework and take set inspiration pictures for As You Like It next year.  Totally worth it.  (Mostly.  now I have to do a lot more cramming for my Brain and Behavoir test friday, but It's a'ight).  I also got up at 5:45 on Sunday with my 3 roomates for the weekend and we went to watch the sunrise.  It was so freaking majestic.  That's the only way to describe it.  I'll have to put a picture up when I get the chance.  I forgot my camera in my room today.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A College Student Walks Into a Bar

Finally turned 21! It's so surreal!  I got to go to the VR last night (the on campus bar- yeah, my school's the best).  Unfortunately my close friends are all underage but my friends Diana and Micah joined me for a little birthday shindig.  I think tonight is gonna be the main party.  Its trivia night, and a bunch of my friends are gonna go.  (when I say friends I mean everyone I know who's over 21).  It should be a good time.  Unfortunately I have to be up and going at 7:30 tomorrow morning, so I can't get crazy (but who wants to on a school night anyway).  Either way I'm excited.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Playing a Guitar

Believe it or not, is a lot harder than it looks.  I practiced for 20 minutes and my fingers are dying.  I picked it up yesterday.  We found an unclaimed really nice acoustic Fender in the basement storage (with a tag on it from 2007.  When we called the person they had no recollection of owning a guitar).  So my staff is sharing it, and I've decided to learn how to play it.  I'm not very good.  At all.  It takes me forever to tune the thing, but I'm sure I'll get a hold of all of it.  Eventually.  Hopefully.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I got into all of the classes I was hoping for this term! Woo! WWII codebreaking is gonna be so tight (once we actually start messing with ciphers).  Theatre history is as cool as ever.  I just read a play called "The Ladies' Battle." its definined by "Characteristics of a Well Made Play" that were used during the early 1900s.  It's basically a completely linear plot line based show.  The characters don't have much depth to them, but the plot's great and its always a comedy, so I enjoyed it.  The best line was "Nonsense! You are for a drama- a tragedy: we offer you something more cheerful- a domestic comedy!" I totally giggled.  I also laughed so hard at Drowsy Chaperone rehearsal today.  I'm an ASM (assistant stage manager).  That show is ridiculously offensive and hilarious at the same time.  I'm really looking forward to it.  Also I have Brain and Behavior this terms.  I call it Brains cause it sounds like a zombie class.  So now instead of saying "I have to go to my readings for brain and behavior" I can just say "I'm gonna eat some brains."  Sounds much better.


Turns out, the captains decided to be the only ones to go onstage with the real live paid improvers.  Needless to say I was not happy about this plan, as I had already put make up on and asked 2 people to cover parts of my desk shift to be sure and be sure to be at the show on time.  Nonetheless the show was still great, but it would have been better if I had gotten to help out.  Maybe that's just me.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Consistent Daydreams

You know the feeling you get 20 minutes before a show you're going to starts? Where you really hope the stage manager comes on stage and begs an audience member to join them backstage because an actor had a sudden unforeseeable accident and they need someone to fill in and you raise your hand and they pick you and you end up doing so well they cast you in the show long term.  Yeah, that one.  Well, I get to be onstage tonight with professional improvers.  I'm so freaking stoked.  It's gonna be the shiznit.  Just sayin'.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome Week

Tuesday went by in a blur, helping all the freshman move in.  I moved people from 8:00-3:30,  I was so exhausted and dehydrated that I stayed in my bed for 3 hours afterwards.  It felt so great to lay there and not move for a while.  They all seem to be settling in very well, and my room is also coming along well.  I finally got a few things up on the walls, which makes it feel much more like my room now.  I've only got a few things left to unpack too.  Its starting to feel like school again.  My schedule book is basically full and I've got stuff happening all the time.  But I like being busy, so it's how I am.  I almost took a co-captain position for Improv this term, but decided against it, as I may be involved in two shows this term.  I'm trying to figure out how to pair down my activities so I don't go quite as crazy as I did last year.  Especially since I'll be on duty more than last year.  But I'm officially assistant stage managing for Drowsy Chaperone this term.  I'm totally stoked.  My other ASMs are great, as well as Alex, the SM.  Plus its always a blast to work with Kathy (the director, and my adviser).  It's gonna be a great year.  I can feel it.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Going Out

Finally got to go out on the town with a few friends.  It was so much fun, and we had such a blast.  We went to the Chinese food place down the road and ate and laughed more than I have in a while.  We talked about everything and had such a blast.  On the way to the restaurant, my friend's car was dead (we need to jump it later), and she had a little freak out like usual, but one of my other friend called her out on it.  I totally appreciated that, because she can get a little ridiculous about some very little problems.  But dinner was great, and we ended up talking in my room for a while afterwards.  The four of us were pretty hilarious.  Everyone was sharing awkward dating stories and the such when they realized I hadn't been on a date since high school.  But my guy friend gave me some interesting advice "Don't expect guys to fulfill their 'manly duties.'"  when last year another guy told me that "If a guy likes you, he'll do the pursuing."  I don't even know what to do anymore.  Oh well, I've got time until my crush comes back from study abroad in Vienna.