Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome Week

Tuesday went by in a blur, helping all the freshman move in.  I moved people from 8:00-3:30,  I was so exhausted and dehydrated that I stayed in my bed for 3 hours afterwards.  It felt so great to lay there and not move for a while.  They all seem to be settling in very well, and my room is also coming along well.  I finally got a few things up on the walls, which makes it feel much more like my room now.  I've only got a few things left to unpack too.  Its starting to feel like school again.  My schedule book is basically full and I've got stuff happening all the time.  But I like being busy, so it's how I am.  I almost took a co-captain position for Improv this term, but decided against it, as I may be involved in two shows this term.  I'm trying to figure out how to pair down my activities so I don't go quite as crazy as I did last year.  Especially since I'll be on duty more than last year.  But I'm officially assistant stage managing for Drowsy Chaperone this term.  I'm totally stoked.  My other ASMs are great, as well as Alex, the SM.  Plus its always a blast to work with Kathy (the director, and my adviser).  It's gonna be a great year.  I can feel it.

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